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Last chance saloon, number 29 - Full moon at 2 degrees and 55 minutes Sagittarius, on 23rd May at 1:53pm UK

Updated: Jul 25, 2024

Mutable, Fire, Masculine, Yang

Sagittarius the archer seeks adventure. There is a candid openness to life, a gregarious

attitude, a humour at life's comedies and a need for knowledge. Sagittarius, Jupiter and the 9th house correspond to the right brain. Its the knowingness that we are more than human. Our divinity and story are in Saggitarius. The intuitive knowledge that we are part of greatness. Philosophy, meaning, religion and culture are easy to access topics and Sag warmly responds to any larger than life musings.

If we are to embrace Sag, then we must pull back our arrows and see where they land.

Where are we going? What will we find en route? Who will we meet? What will we learn?

Knowledge, learning and both the student and teacher are in Sag (I'm a lifelong learner and

a stellium Sag/Stellium in 9th house!)😊

We must create an adventure. Be open to a quest. Locate our teachers and learn

what will add meaning to our existence.

The Sun in Gemini loves to gather information, communicate and share. Gemini is

'on the ground' so to speak, while Sag provides the universal view, giving meaning to all information.

Let's look at the chart

Deep dive Sagittarius

  • Adventure, quest, journey

  • Philosophy, meaning, culture, religion, consciousness

  • Humour, happy-go-lucky, joy

  • Luck, fortune, positivity

  • Expansion, exaggeration

  • Knowledge, student and teacher, intuition, visions

  • Long distance travel, exploration, freedom and space

And when I say 'must', I mean 'its gonna happen whether you want it or not'.

Ruler Jupiter is at the fated, karmic 29 degrees. You're going. Dress appropriately.

And for a potential romance or financial windfall. Don't raise your eyes. Venus is at 29 degrees and conjunct Jupiter. She is part of this storyline. Relationships, values and money... all big (cause Jupiter expands what it touches).

But wait, the plot thickens....

Jupiter (ruler of full moon) and Venus (conjunct) are both sextile Neptune.

plus VX, Asc and part of fortune are all at 29 degrees.

Our adventure has a Neptunian flavour. Could it be a dream, a vision, a fantasy...

a deception, an illusion or a nightmare? While a sextile is favourable, it really depends

on aspects to your personal planets and angles. Neptune and Venus are both domicile which means they are at peak strength in their

own signs. The sky is charged. Fated circumstances being triggered.

Especially as Jupiter is conjunct Venus, which is in its own sign and as such its dignity is domicile - the strongest.

If these planets aspect your planets, then my advice is to 'allow things to happen and breathe'. Know that what you will experience is for your soul's evolution.

The Vertex is conjunct Neptune, emphasizing the fadedness of this full moon.

The 29th degree

What is so special about 29 in astrology? Well, each sign starts at 0 degrees and ends at 29 degrees and 59 minutes. After that it moves into the next sign. The 29th degree is referred to as the anaratic degree and is said to be the fullest expression of the sign its in. This is

because it is just about to change signs and this is its last chance to express. Some astrologers feel this is a karmic completion placement.

Those with planets at 29 degrees are wise and mature, however the luxury of choice is not with them - this is a critical degree of no control. A last chance saloon before they move into the next sign. Energetically it feels fated, restless (to move) and tired (had enough of this sign).

What else is happening

Pluto is retrograde in Aquarius and sextile the full moon

Pluto continues to aspect the moon cycles. Sextiles denote opportunities if we

put in the work. As Pluto is retrograding back to 29 degrees Capricorn (oh yes, 29 again!!),

we can easily see that this culmination of events is linked to when Pluto was in Capricorn.

This is all part of the plan that Capricorn at 29 degrees represents for you. It's a

cycle of completion in relation to power dynamics, top-down systems, long-term

ventures and anything that has crystallised and requires removal.

Take a look at where the mutable signs are in your chart, around 0 - 6 degrees

of Saggitarius (conjunction), Pisces and Virgo (square) and Gemini (opposition).

If you don't have a natal chart, you can create one on my website here:

You will need your date of birth, place and exact time.

Ask yourself

  • How you can embrace a new adventure

  • Where you need to simply allow the universe to direct you

  • If you are ready to completion a major life lesson and evolve your soul

  • If you have planets at 29 degrees that require a completion

Fearful of fate? Give us a shout


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  • Heart Horizon Astro
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