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New Moon at 29 degrees, 50 mins Aries, 19/20 April 2023 at 5:12am UK

Updated: Oct 19, 2023

This month we have a second new moon in the sign of Aries (29 degrees, 50 minutes).

It will take place on 19th April PST at 9:12pm and 20th April at 5:12am BST.

It's a pretty big deal.

Why? Well, partly because its a hybrid solar eclipse and secondly because it's at 29 degrees - a point known as the anaretic degree. A solar eclipse heightens the energy and the 29th degree is the final degree before the energy moves into the next sign. This we call the 'final gasp'. It carries the fullness of the archetype and has a fated feel about it. It can signal desperation, like it has to get it right now, as it's the last chance.

For all the new and full moons, I like to do a sign theme dump to see what symbolism we can expect to see played out.

Deep dive Aries
  • Cardinal, fire

  • I (sense of self, I am, I before we)

  • Action (what rouses us into action)

  • Independent

  • Desire

  • Wants

  • Me first / Competitive

  • The head

  • Bold / direct

  • Takes the lead / Initiates / Activates

  • Warrior / Fight / Battle / War

  • The will

  • Sex and sexual style / What turns you on

  • Quick / Impulsive / compulsive / Rushes in

  • Instinctive

  • Quick to anger / To passion / To frustration

  • Blood / accidents / Sharp objects (knives, guns)

These will be the prevailing energies and remember 'heightened' at this new moon.

Let's take a look at the chart and see what other transits are happening.

Jupiter at 23 Aries is in a wide conjunction (6 degrees) so may be mildly felt, but not intensely. I would expect it to expand the solar eclipse - so that's the third intensity marker! The most notable transit is a square to Pluto at 0 degrees Aquarius. 0 degrees is baby energy and 29 degrees is the wise one. However, Pluto is still the harbinger of death and transformation, power and control. Plus the squaring is likely to result in a challenging power-play between the will/the self and top down powers. In the mundane world this could be underhand actions forced into the light. It could be a rushed decision or action that brings out Aquarius's sword of truth. Public hanging anyone?

In your personal charts, look to where 29 degrees 50 minutes Aries is for you. If you have any planets in the cardinal signs - that's 26 - 29 degrees of Libra (opposition), Capricorn (square) and Cancer (square). If you do, then you will additionally be feeling the Pluto energy. Pluto _ mars is violently [pick a martian word - compulsive, speedy action, bold]. If if happens in your 3rd house then bite your tongue and hold until the calming thoughts pop into your head. If in your 4th house, picking fights at home might be best curbed with a brisk walk. In the 7th house the harmony of one-to-one relations could come under fire. Make that date night as energising as possible. In the 8th, channeling into intimacy is better than a alimony or estate battle with family members. In the 9th house, you may hastily begin a new educational journey or book a last minute long-distance adventure. Just beware of mars's link to accidents and blood (ensure shoe laces are tightly tied and that there are no snakes a - biting in the vicinity). In the 12th, mars will require a spiritual activity - be that a mountain climb for charity or a empowering retreat (remember that pluto).

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