This Friday’s (19th May 2023) new moon is at 28 degrees, 25 minutes of Taurus. Taurus; being the bull of the zodiac is stubborn yet planted. It is the builder that reaps what it sows.
With a five planet line up in Taurus, the themes are rooted in security, steadfast action and what we build slowly and simply.
Taurus Deep Dive
Build, grow, ground, earth, farming, harvesting, crops, food, organic
Banking, wealth, financial market, currencies, investments, stocks and shares, value of goods
Self worth, values, self esteem
Slow, steady, simple, natural, stubborn, fixed, bullheaded, security, traditional/traditions
The body’s strength, the neck, sensory system, sensuality
Shadow - Stuck, overly-comfortable, won't back down, remains in a situation too long

What else is going on?
If one were playing chess, then the fixed grand cross is resolutely checkmate. We got Pluto sitting retrograde (rx) in Aquarius, opposing mars at 29 (anaretic degree) of Cancer and the nodal axis squaring these two in Scorpio and Taurus. Pluto is all about power play and mars is both competitive. The direct nature of mars is somewhat repressed in the sign that prefers to self protect and intuit. Its a battle and both have hidden powers (psychic, strategic vs intuition). The nodal axis in Scorpio (south) and Taurus (north) strengthens the taurean influence and shows us what to release (or allow to die) and what to focus forward on - long term stability.
We have Chiron, Jupiter, North node, Mercury and Uranus in Taurus’s 'circle of stuck'.
With ‘thunderbolts and lightning’ Uranus in a loose conjunction to this new moon, we could bring about a new perspective on where we’re stuck. The wild child is all about breaking out (or breaking down). Adding innovation to a tradition is another potential.
Mercury, fresh from retrograde is in a sextile aspect to Saturn. If you’re thinking of how to create long term stability, then Saturn provides the goal-focus to achieve. That retrograde may have had you considering your financial situation. Saturn could suggest a pension. Whatever you were mulling over, it's likely to have been serious and long-term.
Take a look at where 25 - 29 of the fixed signs (Taurus, Scorpio, Aquarius and Leo) are in your chart to see where you might feel stuck. At a push you could look at 0 - 1 degrees of Gemini, Sagittarius, Aries and Virgo, however this is a subtler feeling.
Where are you feeling stuck? Where have you remained comfortable for too long? Where do you need to break out of locate something new?
Comment below/share how it will affect you.