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Destroy and conquer - Full moon at 29 degrees 8 mins Capricorn on 21st July at 10:16am UK

Updated: Jul 25

Cardinal. Earth. Feminine. Ying.

As fate would have it, this is our second Capricorn full moon in a month. The first was part one, and now we are onto part 2. Think back to 22nd June and the full moon at 1 degree Capricorn. What was happening in your life? See June Full moon in Capricorn post to jog your memory.

This fateful full moon is named not only as it shines twice in 30 days, it also happens to fall on the 29th degree AND conjunct Pluto RX in Aquarius. The 29th degree, known as the anaretic degree, carries the fullness of the archetype, so this will be the most intense (Pluto conjunction) Capricorn moon. With Pluto retrograding back to 29 degrees soon, the significance of these moons is plain to see.

Capricorn's far right stance, maintains the status quo, a professional mask and a need to prove itself. It is both the judge and jury, the buck stopper and the karmic retribution master. Capricorn full moon's throw responsibilities at you like missiles and as you dodge and weave, you will grow up, gain your wisdom bonus and remove yourself from dreamscape. Its time to destroy and conquer what has been limiting you (with Pluto's help), to deal with sudden changes with aplomb. You won't be the same person afterwards. None of us will.

The process of conditioning via parents and society, is a possible revisit with this full moon. Fitting in, being who you feel your family wish you to be, adhering to societal rules and norms - all these are at the liberty of Pluto's destruction and rebirth. All can be transformed if one is willing to face themselves and question their authenticity.

Goal-driven Capricorn could be celebrating after a period of hard work. The presence of Pluto in Aquarius signifying a life-changing accomplishment.

Lets look at the chart

With full moons, we look to both the placement of the moon and the sun, to see where balance is required and where we can expect a finality/completion. For Capricorn and Cancer, we look at the professional life and the private life. The public achievements and appearances, the outer successes, vs the hidden rewards of family time, our homes and the beauty of alone time or time with our nearest and dearest.

  • Who we are with our masks in place and who we are without any masks?

  • What conditioning patterns have created us and what needs to go?

  • Have we focused enough of ourselves on professional AND private, or is there

an imbalance?

Ruler Saturn in Pisces

If Saturn is crystallisation and Pisces is dissolving, then it is fitting to say that Saturn could be feeling loss of control, of being in charge, and of emotions relating to early conditioning and expectation. Allowing for change is never easy - especially if one fights the process. I feel that this full moon is about allowing for deep, inner change.

Moon sextile Neptune at 29 degrees Pisces

Adding to the Piscean lineup is Neptune, looming at the 29th degree of inevitability.

It is a positive aspect and thus, a supportive one for flowing. If emotions are awakening, release them.

Moon trine Mars at 0 degrees Gemini

This aspect suggests that the action of communication will be important. Talking through our restrictions, blocks, conditioned habits, etc. - with ourselves or with others. Letting down our guards and being vulnerable in our humanness.

Moon trine Uranus at 26 degrees Taurus

Rebellious, surprising and liberating Uranus in flowing aspect is a winning sight. Uranus is comfortable with change. Uranus requires change. This aids in progressive movement.

Deep dive Capricorn

  • Physical plane, reality, conditioning, society

  • Father time, old age

  • Restriction, constrictions, boundaries, containers, crystallisation

  • Karma, the efforts of hard work

  • Responsibility, maturity, inner growth, contemplation

  • Mastery through challenge

  • Limits, lack, blocks, delays, austerity, fear

  • Sternness, cold, formal, traditional, status quo (how things have always been)

  • Commitment, glue, standing firm

  • The skin (as a container), bone structure, teeth, narrowing

Deep dive Cancer

  • Ego self, How I see myself

  • Psychological foundation (inner self)

  • Mothering, caring, protecting, nuturing, providing (self and others)

  • Feeling safe and secure, comfort

  • Home, roots, homeland, ancestry, family, early home life, adult home

  • Sensitive, shy, emotional-led, emotionally intelligence, vulunrable

  • Smothering, crabby, moody, retreating, needy, dependant

What else is happening

Neptune at 29 degrees Pisces sextile Uranus at 26 degrees Taurus and Mars at 0 degrees Gemini

Again we see the Uranus and Neptune starring in this full moon. The allowing for change via the act of communication. Breakthroughs and liberation from life-long expectations.

Jupiter at 12 degrees Gemini square Venus at 11 degrees Leo

The only marginally tricky aspect is this one and with Jupiter and Venus involved, it's not too challenging. Jupiter can over-expand a situation, exaggerate or place too much emphasis on a belief. With Venus involved, it could be about self-worth, values or a partnership and in Leo, romance, play and children. Perhaps your romantic values are in question or you're over playing ; 0 )

Ask yourself

  • Who are you beneath your societal mask?

  • How have you been conditioned and does this reflect who you really are?

  • Is your professional and private life in balance?

Take a look at where the cardinal signs are in your chart, and the beginning of the

fixed signs, around 26 - 29/0 - 3 degrees of Capricorn/Aquarius (conjunction),

Libra/Scorpio and Aries/Taurus (square) and Cancer/Leo (opposition).

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