July and August have been firework months from an astrological perspective.
Pluto squaring the nodes, Venus retrograding through Leo and many outer planets regrading (bar Jupiter and Uranus, although Uranus will on 29 Aug).
This new moon at 23 degree, 17 minutes is in firey Leo, and is a seed moment. Also a conscious act of creating a heart-centric connection. The current Venus retrograde has just passed this point, preparing the heart for some further inner work. If you have been met with pivital moments about self love, self worth, relationship challenges and past relationship gunk, then use this new moon to seed a better love. Leo doesn't do fear - it growls and leaps out with confidence.
Leo is our heart; our fire and passion. It is the energy of self-expression, creativity, children,
romance and play. If your inner child has felt heavy and cold, then Leo's new moon could initiate a time for simple fun and childish games. A trine to the North Node in Aries fans the flames (two fire signs), and may burn the way forward in new ways - further amplified by the electrifying square to Uranus in Taurus. Uranus of course being in Taurus, ruled by Venus (highlighting Venus RX).
This lightening bolt to the heart kinda-energy is exhilarating, open and expressive.
It can also be de-stabilising, edgy and not exactly nervous-system friendly.
In Taurus, its going to move you out of the comfort zone - fixed fire challenges fixed earth.
It's an exact square - and it will be felt. Focus on joy. Focus on social activities - as both Venus and Uranus enjoy these. Focus on the new and the awakening. It can force you from the static, ploddiness and comfort-cosseting.
The new moon is closely conjunct an asteroid called Black Moon Lillith. It relates to the hidden parts of ourselves that we deem taboo and ugly. BML is known to be raw, visceral, dark, shameful and equally tantric, satisfying and liberating. In Leo, we clean out toxic love and replace it with wholesome love.
A quincunx to Neptune in Pisces may be a minor drain or doubting Thomas.
If they highlight a weakness, own it and move forward. Let the Leo drama outshine it.

Our usual deep dive
Sun, expressive, where you shine brightest
Creativity, self-expression, centre of own world
Joy, passion, generosity
Heart, love, romance
Confidence, drama, proud, honest
Leader, bossy, takes over
Children, inner child
Look to where 20 - 26 degrees of the fixed signs are in your chart. That's Leo (conjunction),
Aquarius (opposition) and Aries, Scorpio/Taurus (Square).
Where have you been overly comfortable and require change?
What has caused heaviness in your heart and how can you re-engage with passion?
Does your inner child need some playtime?
Fancy a heart to heart?