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Sail away - Full super moon (partial eclipse) at 25 degrees, 40 mins of Pisces on 18th Sept at 2:33am BST

A super moon eclipse in Pisces, conjunct Neptune is nothing short of magical. It's a crystal-studded mirage in an inky sea of exquisite twinkling stars. Stimulating our dreams, invisible senses and our creativity. Allowing us to drift and live in the world of fantasy, so we never ever have to face reality.... and if it enters for even a microsecond, we can escape through drugs, alcohol, sex, TV, work, books. Anything to blot out the real. We'll sail away to our Island in the sun, live in bliss and eat coconuts. Until the meaningless of existence punctures the illusion and we long for a sailor to save us.

Back to reality!

Pisces in its highest form is connected to everything, spiritual, intuitive and compassionate.

Emotions are deeply experienced and felt, love is unconditional, forgiving and inclusive. It calms, flows, merges and empowers internally. It is soft, understanding, yielding, universe led and sensitive to the feelings of others. Creative inspiration arises, leading to emotive and often perplexing art, poetry, fiction writing, dance, etc. Dali is known for his Piscean art that combines fictional-type characters, sexual depictions and psychological chaos.

If we are to utilise this magical moon, then we must be willing to give, to support,

to BE without fighting or forcing. We must align with compassion and empathy and quell

any anger. Spend time with nature, be present in our endeavours and appreciate the

timelessness of existence. Channel our emotions into creativity and harness the connectivity of all things. Retreat and energise our inner space.

Defining our greatest meaning gives us focus and positivity to align with it.

The fluid nature of Pisces enjoys the ocean. Being in or close to it and any water source. Even relaxing in the tub with candles pays homage this the moon. Swimming and hydrotherapy.

Pisces allows us to lesson boundaries to buried traumas. Go slowly and fearlessly in, gently access memories and apply self-compassion. Heal with wisdom.

In relationships we can listen and truly understand, provide non-judgmental council. Make love in a slow, deliberate and sensitive style, connecting emotionally and openly. Prioritise quality time and acts of service.

The shadow

The lower form is prone to escapism from circumstances that seem too difficult to bear.

Addictive behaviours are sought to numb the intensity of emotions. Primarily drugs and alcohol, but also sex, TV and work. Anything that distracts from challenges or unresolved traumas. Psychological haunting or the past nags in dreams and at inappropriate moments. This can impact on our day-to-day mental health and formulate inhibiting relating patterns.

Our boundaries are low, leaving us exposed to toxicity and abuse. Often the intentions of others are unclear, so we cannot determine if they are friend or foe. Abuse is another trademark of Pisces. Any kind, be in emotional or physical. We convince ourselves that the abuse is 'acceptable', and so continue to prolong the suffering.

Sacrifice is ever-present. Pisces relates to loss and we can feel unmotivated, fatigued or undeserving. So we avoid, walk away or say no. Knowing that we will yearn for that which we lost. Pisces can feel like weakness and self-doubt, disabling our natural confidence.

The opposition to Virgo

All full moons are culminations, completions and peaks. The opposition with the Sun detailing a balancing energy. Virgo and Pisces unite in service. The duo strive for better in the world.

With Virgo we see the need for order - processes, routines, lists. A need for perfection that

is highlighted in Pisces. Pisces can utilise Virgo's hard working ethic and linear mind to organise, while Virgo would benefit from the calm, flowing nature of Pisces and deepened level of connection. The Sun shines a light on wellness, health and how a crises in these areas includes anxiety, stress and even panic. Pisces asks us to slow down, retreat, make space for the crises to settle. Trust that the universe will support. Read books that nourish, eat organic food, relax with friends, sleep, rest and recharge. Virgo then can tease this new path into one where health is paramount. Pisces fills Virgo's 'lack' with meaning and Virgo's productiveness brings Pisces' dream to the real world. Reality and fantasy enmeshed.

Conjunct Neptune (retrograde) at 28 degrees Pisces (Moon ruler)

The ruler Neptune is in a conjunction with the moon, exponentially expanding the energy of Pisces. This signals a greater need for healing, retreat and down-time. Emotions may flood now, so take a moment to release and grieve any losses. Let the tears flow.

Those from the 1980s have Moon and Neptune squaring their Neptune. Emotional manipulations and abuse can reach a pinnacle point now. Take off the rose-tinted glasses. Save yourself.

Square Jupiter at 20 degrees Gemini

The square to Jupiter in Gemini can really mess with our heads. Gemini has a requirement for data input and Jupiter tends to expand whatever it touches. With the moon releasing and Jupiter absorbing, be selective on this exchange.

Let's look at the chart

Deep dive Pisces

  • Highest ideal and meaning

  • Unconditional love, deep emotion, fragile, shy

  • Compassionate, sensitive, empathetic, adaptable, shape-shifters

  • Lack of boundaries (dissolving), mystical, dream-like

  • Service to others, helping those in need, saviour complex

  • Psychological disturbances, schizophrenia, subconscious

  • Psychic, intuitive, sacrificial, suffering, abuse, soft, state of bliss, illusive

  • Longing, yearning, merging, loss, egoless, sacred, fated

  • Other-worldly, spiritually-inclined, glamour, seductive, mysterious, metaphysics

  • Fears, phobias, the hidden

  • Connected with the universe (source, energy, GOD, nature, animals)

  • Retreats, meditation, seclusion, fog, mist, the invisable realms

  • Timeless, infinite, wise, ungrounded, hard to reach

  • Water, ocean, floating, drifting, drowning

  • The arts - music, creativity, writing, dance

  • Escapism, addictions - drugs, alcohol, sex, work, TV

  • Motion pictures, film

  • Illusions, delusions, deceit, dreams, fantasies, blurry, lost, confused

  • Feet, immune system

Deep dive Virgo

  • Service-driven, ego drops

  • Thinking, analysing, detailed work

  • Anxious, nervous, productive

  • Detective, focus on details

  • Discerning, aim for perfection, lack, inferiority, exacting, void

  • Critical, analysis, inadequate, dismantling and improving

  • Engineering, accountancy, work with our minds and hands, analytical work

  • Service to something greater, humbling, humility, giving to others

  • Health, nutrition, gut, microbiome, fitness,

  • Sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system

  • self-improvement, preparing ourselves for social relationships

Kite pattern

We have a kite pattern which consists of two sextiles and two trines. The moon sits between sextiles to Pluto at 29 degrees Capricorn and Uranus at 27 degrees Taurus.

Pluto and Uranus trine the Sun at 25 degrees Virgo.

Both Pluto and Uranus bring transformation of 'old' ways and innovation in novel ways to the mix. This allows us to simultaneously filter out conditioned behaviours and top-down structures. Uranus then unfolds smarter thinking - tech-assisted, future-visioned and exciting. Symbolically shifting ages. This energy feeds into Virgo's function of analysis and betterment.

The sextiles with Pluto and Uranus fortify the Moon. Opportunity to intuit what is happening under the radar and sense what the collective needs (masses).

Pluto at 29 degrees is our last chance for osmosis.

What else is happening?

Uranus at 27 degrees Taurus trine Pluto at 29 degrees Capricorn. We see change seeping in at the primary point. Uranus de-stabilising the comfort sought by Taurus, and the psychology of repression, formalisation and bureaucratic being challenged by the force of the future. The patriarchy is crumbling - dying. Its time for liberation of the people. The king is dead. Long live the people.

Jupiter at 20 degrees Gemini trine Venus at 23 degrees Libra

Relationships to others are given a fortuitous boost. Jupiter injects joy, learning, world travel and philosophy. Just beware of that Square to the full moon!

Take a look at where the mutable signs are in your chart, around 22 - 28 degrees of Pisces (conjunction), Sag/Gemini (square) and Virgo (opposition).

If you don't have a natal chart, you can create one on my website here:

You will need your date of birth, place and exact time.

Ask yourself

  • Is there a crisis occurring that requires a health overhaul?

  • How can you filter out the worn structures and make way for the new?

  • What does retreat and healing look like for you?

  • How you can practice compassion, empathy and giving.

Need a crisis buddy? Book a reading with us.


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